We, at Camp Telaphiba understand the importance and responsibility of working with children. We take that commitment very seriously. We understand that it takes a village to raise well-adjusted, happy children. We have a twelve step hiring process that each and every staff goes through prior to working at Camp. Those twelve steps help us to ensure that we have only the VERY BEST people working for us and supporting our mission. All staff, from our corporate administrative team (Chief Dreamer, Chief Dream Navigator, Dream Warrior) to our actual camp staff (Head Honcho, Tribe Keeper, Tribe Leader, Storyteller), belong to a talented, driven pool of incredible people who care about kids and our camp experience overall. Each and every person has a dedication to their craft, talent and to impacting children the most positive way possible through their work and passions. 

It takes a very special and unique person to work for Camp Telaphiba!


Throughout the year, we have a dedicated team spending their time to make things the very best for parents, campers and staff who are coming to camp each summer. They work on facilities, systems, accounts, schedules, transportation, marketing, and all of the bells and whistles to make camp better every year. They process ALL feedback received from past camp parents, campers and staff to really LISTEN and make adjustments for the better for everyone. They take care of all of the details leading up to camp, administratively during camp and after camp to ensure the highest quality for registration and administration. 

We have our Chief Dreamer who spends her time staying abreast of how to be unique and cutting edge as an overnight camp! She asks “what more could we do?” “what dreams can we fulfill to make Camp T even better?” She DREAMS BIG so that Camp feels magical!

We have our Chief Dream Navigator who brings those DREAMS to life through actual systems and tactics so that they aren’t just dreams but instead realities!! She gets the rubber to hit the road and implementation is her main job!

Our Dream Warrior helps to support the systems implementation and is the person who MOST parents deal with to make sure their children are supported and going to be set for a wonderful time at camp!! She takes care of all of the small and BIG details that parents may need help with to feel comfortable with sending their children away from their homes.


Our Head Honcho is responsible to the corporate offices AND for everything that happens at camp. Head Honcho runs the show while at camp and leads and supports all other staff while there. This person understands all that has gone into camp creation and knows what to do while at camp to give staff and campers alike a GREAT experience! 

Our Tribe Leaders have the responsibility of teaching our campers throughout camp. They, not only teach dance, but they also help campers grow as people through life development workshops and other things that happen throughout camp. They help kids navigate new relationships, being away from home, making choices about activities, and so many other things that come with being away from home in a new environment with new and old friends. 

Our Tribe Keepers support Tribe Leaders, campers and parents all throughout camp. Helping people is their “Number 1” responsibility whether it be a camper wanting to call home, a Tribe Leader needing help in a classroom or a parent wanting to check in on their child. Tribe Keepers go above and beyond to support the mission of camp and to assist in any way they can!!

Our storytellers work tirelessly to capture all of the fun that is had at camp so that parents can stay informed and can see what is going on at camp! They also do so to share with the campers throughout the year via social media and through our store so that campers can be reminded of the fun with mementos of imagery through slides and pictures. 


Regardless of what a staff’s title or job description is, one thing is clear. Every staff member CARES DEEPLY about our campers and their experiences at camp. That is our number one priority every year and the AMAZING staff of Camp Telaphiba keep that close to their hearts all year long! We are grateful to have each and every staff member working so hard and coming back year after year. The jobs inside of camp are not easy, the hours and long, the beds aren’t like home BUT none of that matters in the hearts of these incredible people. 



