When Camp Telaphiba began, we knew that we wanted to create a strong connection with our campers from the get-go. We continually want to impact children in a positive, nurturing, strong way. I thought the best way to do that would be through life-development workshops that help kids grow stronger in ways outside of dance itself. We have chosen to implement these workshops in creative ways surrounding our acronym CTFL which stands for Camp Telaphiba For Life!

Every year, we host four unique workshops at each camp with the theme of each coming from the letters of CTFL. Here, our tribe leaders mentor our campers through exercises that help them in areas of life such as community building, time management, appreciating family and friends, and living life to the fullest. 

The kids go through the exercise experience and then they get time to ask questions and contribute their thoughts and ideas to the group. The workshop ends with a summary of the key points for the kids to take away into their lives. 

An example of one of our life development workshops focused on promoting attitudes of respect and kindness at camp and when campers went home. 

In the exercise, we first created two long lines where dancers stood across from someone that they knew.

For the next two minutes, campers gave genuine compliments without giggling or laughing to the person in front of them (one at a time). If they were the receiver, they couldn’t say anything and just had to smile and receive the compliments. Second, the person receiving the compliments repeated the process. 

Once we completed the exercise, we discussed how the exercise made everyone feel. We asked if it lifted their mood, made them smile, made them feel like they could do more than before. We also talked through whether or not they were uncomfortable receiving the compliments and explored what that might mean for them as people. 

We then asked them what it would be like if they could carry out being kind and respectful in this way every day and what that could mean for them and others around them.  We asked if it could generate a more positive environment at home, at school and at dance? We talked about how amazing that would be. We had dancers share their thoughts and challenged them to be the spark that could ignite the FIRE of respect and kindness in the world to be the best version of themselves in a world where we need more SPARKS like this!!!

We always allow time for the organic conversations that are sparked by exercises like this and we are always impressed with how insightful and full of great ideas and thoughts these kids really are. It is so cool to really listen to kids and offer them space to talk and to share. 

Every year, we try to bring relevant topics and exercises to help our campers to leave camp with more than they came with in dance and in life!!


